The documentary "Mo’Zar, Mon Style,” directed by Sébastien Petretti, recently premiered at Caudan Arts Centre. This captivating film tells the story of a 15-year-old girl who, after experiencing bullying at school, discovered a passion for music through piano and singing lessons at Atelier Mo’Zar.
This screening marked the end of an incredible adventure that began with a remarkable tour in France and Belgium. Supported by Absa Mauritius, musicians from Atelier Mo’Zar dazzled audiences with numerous concerts and presented their inspiring documentary.
Established in 1996, Atelier Mo’Zar is a musical project but also a project of inclusion and social integration. Through art, the non-governmental organisation (NGO) guides numerous young individuals, helping them to carve out their own stories, free from the prejudices they might face.
"Music provides them with discipline and anchors them back to the realms of education. Absa Mauritius is a significant partner and supporter for us. The bank understands the bond that ties Mo’Zar to the children, and above all, the impact our association has on society. It's an impact that lasts a lifetime," explains Valérie Lemaire, director of Mo’Zar.
Through his documentary, Sébastien Petretti aims to showcase how Mo’Zar uses music to offer fresh perspectives to its beneficiaries. "The message of this film is that with the right guidance, any young person, regardless of their background or social environment, can discover a more fulfilling path than the one they seem destined for." says the Belgian director.
For Absa Mauritius, supporting young musicians is in line with its brand promise, "Your Story Matters," and aligns with its purpose: Empowering Africa’s tomorrow, together… one story at a time.
"We aspire to be much more than a bank. We aim to be an active force for good in everything that we do. By supporting these young people, often from unprivileged backgrounds, we offer them the opportunity to construct a new narrative for their lives, to grow and flourish. We encourage them to explore the world and to showcase Mauritian and African talent. This commitment is aligned with our objective to support the youth and women on the African continent," highlights Cédrine Chimon-Rampal, Corporate Social Responsibility Manager of Absa Mauritius.