Key benefits
  • Send and receive money in all major currencies (euro, pound sterling and US dollar)
  • Free eStatements and internet banking services
  • Foreign Currency Accounts are non-interest-bearing accounts
  • Minimum opening balance of USD2,000 (or equivalent) required
Speak to an Absa representative
  • Let us contact you, or visit a branch to get started. Make sure you have the following documents in their original format:
  • ID, passport or driving licence
  • A utility bill in your name that is not older than 3 months 
  • Birth certificate or marriage certificate if relationship needs to be established 

Let us contact you Find a branch

Need more help?

Useful tool available: 
See FX Rates
See Mauritius Security Yields

Call our 24/7 Service Centre: 
+230 402 1000

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